pixie with pens
gouache painting of human pointing at color explosion
"Wonder", gouache on paper, 2021
two oil paintings with hands mimicking the creation of adam
"Isolation", oil on canvas, 2022
oil painting of hand signaling stop, pink background
"No more", oil on canvas, 2022
oil painting of hand dripping blood on pink background
"Tired", oil on canvas, 2022
oil painted hand on pink background
"Please", oil on canvas, 2022
oil painting of anatomical heart that's also a clenched fist
"Our anatomy", oil on canvas panel, 2021
portrait of leon trotsky in orange, purple, and teal
"Leon Trotsky", Procreate digital painting, 2022
marx, engels, lenin, and trotsky
"The boys", Procreate digital illustration, 2021
person with red flag helping child up a mountain of books
"Ignorance never yet helped anybody", Procreate digital illustration, 2021
mouth biting into apple, the shadows are space
"Moderate", gouache on paper & digital painting, 2022
portrait of author China Miéville
"China Miéville", Procreate digital painting, 2022
portrait of author Helen Oyeyemi
"Helen Oyeyemi", Procreate digital painting, 2022
sticker of a sassy Medusa sticking her tongue out
"This ain't build-a-bitch", digital illustration turned sticker, 2021
two women kissing
"Gal pals", acrylic and oil on wood, 2021
rope snapping in two, hands holding on to each end on opposite sides of a cliff
*commissioned piece* "Relations", Procreate digital illustration, 2022
naked tree with one branch cut off, the branch on the ground has a single sprout, sunrise background
*commissioned piece* "Heder" ("honor"), Procreate digital illustration, 2021
oil painting of a dog sitting like a good girl
*commissioned piece* "Ollie", oil on paper, 2021
grandmother againt wild plum background
*commissioned piece* "Merry", oil on paper, 2021
woman in hood portrait
"Josefin", gouache on paper, 2021